
the loneliness of the long distance runner

There was this movie. Consider my case. I share my swim lane with a blind man. Play bridge with random partners. Golf alone. Fancy elitist activities. I'm bad at each. Everything I try  turns into another proof that I hare no talent or basic skill. I have no gift or deep knowledge.. Even this blog with my poor English is another addition. Whatever I try is  a failure or at best a mediocrity.


Earthquake, hurricane, tornado...

And nobody to blame ...Strange week.
Did I call my previous post Cherry Season?


Cherry Season

This year the cherry season seems without end. And I eat by the pound...
 When I was a kid the season lasted two weeks at most. We could afford to buy only once, rarely twice a year. Many years I would even miss entirely. This left a craving ...
Had also a craving for bananas.  By twenty six,  I had eaten not more than five bananas. Maybe fewer.  The first day in Paris I ate left overs from the plane food and the cake brought from home. The following day, with my ten francs I went shopping for food and noticed how cheap the bananas were. Spent all my money on bananas. Got serious stomach troubles as I did not realize they were raw. Since then....And still don't know how to peel one.
Had to wait till now for cherries...and yes I enjoy them although I know this season is a fabrication...
Mais ou sont les dames du temps de cerises


Homo sum...., latest version

The NOTAX dogma is evolving. New addition  - corporations are people. Yes, people without shame, compassion or ethics. This is the  republican man.
If one drills deep one can see that in  Romney's view the people are not as important as the corporations. Of course, his support does not come from the people but from corporations.
Interesting note-  the sacred? man, homo sacer, is nobody, it can be killed by anyone.


hee haw vs see saw

 The other day Obama in a major speech used "play the market". Lapsus linguae , suddenly the professor seemed  tongue twisted. Or did he mean it? ..
See Saw market. How do you know if you are in see or in saw.
Hee Haw was clearer  - gloom , dispair and agony. 
At the end the saw will cut you down.


Summer Stock Production

The fall of the market is entertaining. Like Rome set aflame by Nero. S&P downgrades the US debt and the money flows into the US bonds. S&P is probably unhappy with  the government spending tons of money to correct the mess created by the S&P failure to properly rate all the companies holding bad mortgages.


Out of step with no change

The deal on debt produced nothing. So why did the market tank? I understand when the market goes up following some unexpected good news. The news had been bad for a while. All these bright guys moving the markets did they really  expect major things? Why was the market high in first place? And now the debt rating of the US is lower. Nothing changed and nothing is surprising. Why was it not lowered a month ago?
Is it true that  the market is run by bots?
Hey bots, tell us the truth.


The vision thing

 The debate was about respecting the US contractual obligations. It also marks the moment when the country understood  it will need to contract. economically   Contract like in  no more ....

Cui prodest

Nobody liked this deal. Is this a rational criteria? So everybody can revel in the opponent's discomfort.Lose-lose strategy where the driving force is the hate of the other. A meeting of minds on the periphery of rationality.