
Cherry Season

This year the cherry season seems without end. And I eat by the pound...
 When I was a kid the season lasted two weeks at most. We could afford to buy only once, rarely twice a year. Many years I would even miss entirely. This left a craving ...
Had also a craving for bananas.  By twenty six,  I had eaten not more than five bananas. Maybe fewer.  The first day in Paris I ate left overs from the plane food and the cake brought from home. The following day, with my ten francs I went shopping for food and noticed how cheap the bananas were. Spent all my money on bananas. Got serious stomach troubles as I did not realize they were raw. Since then....And still don't know how to peel one.
Had to wait till now for cherries...and yes I enjoy them although I know this season is a fabrication...
Mais ou sont les dames du temps de cerises

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