
Martyrdom irony

Analyzing my previous post on Charlie killings. First - it was about me, not about the horror or the dead? [It seems this entire blog tries to be a kind of selfie - everything is about me.] So in fact I used the opportunity of this  criminal act to criticize the victims. Carrying on without shame,  I continue to clarify -They might be representative of the extremes of the freedom of the press, but they were not funny. They, the Charlie editors, thought insulting is funny in or by itself. They lacked the tools of irony. It is ironic that they are the ones that became the martyrs of funny. They would have still laughed at the thought that their assassins died in a press shop.
There is more irony.  The people gathered in  Place de la Republique had signs in English -Not Afraid
Here goes the glory of the French culture ( in a year that saw a French Jewish writer got the Nobel prize, mainly on themes of Jewish memory).  Expressing courage in a different language.
Beautiful blog about satire in the era of the internet when your eye-blink might not be noticed by people of different cultures.

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