
Last words - Joy

The last words of the sick ? of the dying ? or of suicides....Have many things to say about last words, but for the time will just remember Joy Division's guitarist playing Isolation.


By now everybody sends wishes via email. Have drawer full of greeting cards that I bought - beautiful images. Lots and lots of them. Never sent. The intent matters. Oh, yeah! there are so many people who intended to send me their wishes....


Russian readers

This blog has a significant Russian audience.  Probably Russian readers don't mind my bad orthography  ,poor sentences or my protomarxist views. Oh Mother Russia! you were so pure and beautiful as a young girl.  Your fine bone structure remains madama...


End of the world -Cancelled

Who cancelled? Who are these people who cancel the end of the world? Of course the republicans who could not bear to break with their no tax religion. Or was it the sale of the NYSE? People in China went to jail for this day!


Concert at MSG

They talked nonstop during the songs. At the intermission they checked silently  their ipads. Was it the darkness that incited them to communicate or the lack of internet?


End of The World -Sunday

Where was it said - After death there is nothing? Did anyone mention what is there after life? The Times, formerly the paper of record, published today some poems about the end of the world. Except  those who write poetry, is there anyone nowadays who reads poems? Probably more read the Mayan texts. We need to read everything.



One, two. One, two.  Basic army training.  The Pope twits. The Koreans launch a long range rocket. Marching to the altar  seems more popular than preparing for doomsday. We will never get the  unlucky 13/13/13. Imagine Baker's Dozen/Baker's Dozen/Baker's Dozen.


Historic purity

Visited Charleston recently. Spent two days in the historic district - my wife shopping, me - looking for a spray deodorant. No CVS, no Rite Aid, no Duane Reade. Nothing. In New York I am obsessed with the extraordinary number of these stores that open on every block. In historic Charleston they are serious about maintaining an historic atmosphere. But  no deodorant?


End. For now.

Another end of the world. Not another beginning. The END. This is serious. In the cards. Not to be missed. But just in case, pay your electric bill.