
Teenage dream on Facebook.

I started a Facebook account to be able to access my club. Rejected first request to befriend.  Don't want friends. But second request was from a woman in Romania, a hairdresser?! Of course a woman I did not know, but this seemed such an unusual request that I accepted.  Have not accepted any other request since.
As I was telling this story to a group of people (of course excusing myself for not accepting..) I remembered that in fact my dream in my teenage years was to have a girlfriend who was a hairdresser or manicurist.  Well, at my age now I can have hairdresser  girlfriend only on Facebook. And of course would not accept any other friend to share our intimate circle.
Why was I dreaming of a hairdresser. Why not a blond, or a tall, or anything else? I believed then as I do now that hair dressers know all there is to know about life. (It was dream to understand life...HA!)  And they have these perfumed hands....