
According to the classics - a patent idiot

I read the classics. On buses or subways. In student abridged editions. Skip, reading only paragraphs that are short. Twitter size. All I can follow. This is La Bruyere.
C'est une grande misère que de n'avoir pas assez d'esprit pour bien parler ni assez de jugement pour se taire.  Voilà le principe de toute impertinence. 
or in a Google translation
It is a great misery not to have enough wit to talk well nor enough sense to be silent. This is the source of all impertinence. 
 Impertinence means here ill-manner. And this is who I am. This entire blog is in bad English, and I would better not say ball these stupidities. 

( Wikiquotes has it It is a sad thing when men have neither the wit to speak well, nor the judgment to hold their tongues.)