
down the drain

forgetting names is bad, but not remembering the name of your favorite beer .....


magic of Easter?

Today in Technorati Poesie is a tag more popular than Sex. Or is this just censorship?



Saint Simon in previous post

see Godless Europe and "religion of humanity"

Henri de Saint-Simon
From everyone according to his capacity, to every capacity according to its work. The epigraph that appeared on the title page of Le Globe when the Saint-Simonians owned it. The latter part became ‘to each according to his needs’ in the Marxist version. See Georg G. Iggers, The Cult of Authority (The Hague, 1958), p. 151, note 3
It was said that he got his valet to wake him every morning with the words: ‘Rise, M. le Comte – you have great things to achieve.’ (Levez-vous, monsieur le comte, vous avez de grandes choses à faire.) For this anecdote see Louis Reybaud, Études sur les Réformateurs ou socialistes modernes (1840), chapter 2, ‘Saint-Simon et les Saint-Simoniens’: vol. 1, p. 67 in the 7th ed. (Paris, 1864). It also appears in M. G. Hubbard, Saint-Simon: sa vie et ses travaux (Paris, 1857), p. 9