
Dreams, just sold

Dreamworks trailer for Dreamgirls. Stars rise and go, dreams are forever. On the screens December 2006. Yah, Right, see Paramount




Irony that burns could be called pirony or pyrony. Fire melted with humor. Let's not forget though that pironia is just a butterfly.

in or


Golem or worse

If recognizing yourself in the mirror is the essential difference to being a human...Sometimes I don't recognize myself in pictures. It always takes me years to get accustomed to my decaying.



democracy omnia vincit

The Iraqi economy is close to enter a boom phase. What do I say? A boom-boom. Economic bonbon or economic boom-boom.

in of


Right is right.

Just watched O'Reilly attacking the Alter article. How can Alter claim that the president actually knows/thinks of himself as a law breaker? Does Alter know what is in Bush's mind? Right so. HIS mind. [ Do you need a mind when you are the result of an intelligent design.]

O'Reilly was purposely misquoting. The exact text is " because he knew that it would reveal him as a law-breaker " which is not exactly the same thing. Nevertheless....
This president thinks this president is always right.

also in


Empire and Hubris

The social status of those involved in science and technology is low, hence Kristof is right to discuss the "hubris of the humanities". But he misses a larger point. The economic prospects of those employed in science and technology are low as well.
MBAs beget MBAs, psychologists beget psychologists, lawyers...Managing borrowed money, dealing with depression and suing everybody in sight. Empire.

Probably I am wrong and the Roamn Empire had more engineers. Hubris like Spain's in the 1600s.


bobo bonbon booboo

Discovered a new word- bobo. Savored it. Ten minutes later though discovered that Bobo est mort. Sorry -una lacrima furita.
