
looking good

My wife sees Saddam on TV today and says "Handsome man. He looks gooood."
Me?.... I worry.

in of



Latest challenge. Get my caption printed in the New Yorker. Ever successful in any my impossible tasks? Don't remember.
Aha. Remembering defeats -next task. Remembering the task- next



thanksgiving now?

As a child I hated receiving gifts. Because I had to say "Thanks".

at risk

Noise, my way to relax.... When I cannot sleep, I turn on the TV at C-span. Never used a snoozer...

also in


Mrs. Otis Says

In a restaurant yesterday. The orchestra was playing what was the background music of the sixties. Of the elevators I used to take. Then I hated it, but yesterday drank it all. Made me sulk.


La Machine a Ecrire

Everybody was working on Flame. Telling on Plame. Extraordinary Journalists. High Level Politicians. So busy burying a non-story. Outing - a la maniere de Cocteau. Nobody cared though to check the WMDs.



when down

with a bad cold, just
show some of your favorite links.

The origin of the word fascination has not been clearly established.


No place to be

Recently several couples we know got divorced. And now "7th Heaven" gets axed.

Only the seventy two virgins seem to keep their attraction ...


also in


mistakes and learning from past mistakes

His dad made many mistakes. The proof - his dad did not win a second term. The son has won one.
New lesson. It is not sufficient to criticize your dad.


after the hurricane

My Totyota Camry was stolen one year and one day after I had purchased it. It was known to be the model most likely to be stolen. To prove "them" I was not moved, went back and bought immediately another Camry.
Is New Orleans as steadfast? If they had money?




Paris brûle-t-il?? No, it is the suburbs. La Cité Lumière has lost it's taste for revolution.

in of in

Maybe suburb is a bad choice to translate - too many apartmentent houses? projects?


fit to serve

From the Atlantic
Abraham Lincoln fought clinical depression all his life, and if he were alive today, his condition would be treated as a "character issue"—that is, as a political liability. His condition was indeed a character issue: it gave him the tools to save the nation

Due to his depression he could see the objective reality with a clearer eye. Maybe I know something on this?

ancient masonry

A collapse I don't need to investigate. Even roman mortar is mortal


google of the day

Today's quote Everyone thinks of changing the world, but no one thinks of changing himself. Leo Tolstoy
Look at titles in bookstores. Seems to me that in America nobody thinks of changing the world. Everybody tries to change themselves. And fails.
A dark century after Tolstoy's.




Jumping the waves

Howard Stern has started a series of good bye shows. He is going in a space devoid of gravity. He used to impress me with his sense of humor, with his lack of respect for stupidity. Twenty years ago I could not figure out if he was in control or crazy. Loved him.
In his own, more recent world of strippers he lost most of his sense of humor and thinks his exile is due to censorship.
He goes for a space where uttering obscenities is taken for sense of humor.


the tooth faery

Does the tooth faery exist? This is what the politician seem to discuss when they talk about the administration lying about WMD in Iraq.
Every man on the street knows that this is a war for oil, a pretext to have an army in the Middle East, a war against the Muslim world. But some politicos talk like they did not know. Poor innocent politicos. More dishonest than Bush himself.



got it

For a while my B&N store was out of Didion's book. I got it today. Happy to own another book on death and sickness. So popular -30% off.