
post partum depression

Stupid statistics. What should one understand? Is it the capitalism or the liberty that is not working? Soviet family was better? in the 60th? Brooks should compare with birth rates in Italy? He doesn't even understand that in Russia the grandparents are needed to take care of nephews and nieces not the other way.

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frantz - an artist.

Haitian with Scottish last name was a mentalist in his youth. Dated [at least once] the most beautiful girl in Haiti. Killed the rabbit he was using in his act when he abandoned voodoo for born again Christianity. Designed nuclear power plants at downtown firm. During lunch he preached at Broadway and Wall Street. Turned to painting ten years ago. Sells antiques and raises exotic fish and birds. Living proof that the need to perform is a personality trait. Considers himself a chosen Jew. Retires tomorrow to cultivate his garden. And wait for Armageddon.

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false dreams

- Now I can tell. It was your sister that I adored. Her shape, her walk, her smile. Had wet dreams about. Visiting you my hope was to touch her in passing. Making love to you I was fantasizing about her. Her taking a shower next door excited me....
- But I don't have a sister...
- Then who was the woman...

a stage

They all are characters. I am myself a character. Life is fun[ny].


again? Posted by Hello

odeur de grandeur

In the current New Yorker a review of a biography of Malraux ends with Yet there is something about him for which only the word “noble” will do. Malraux was the hero of a tragicomic battle that nearly all of us know and most of us lose: “man’s struggle,” as he calls it, “against humiliation.” One of my old heroes that in his old age sacrified his art on de Gaulle's church of grandeur. In his last years he was displaying the humility of a pope...

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modern freedom

A nun on TV said her vow was Truth will set you free. And suddently this struck me...So many aspects and layers-what/who/where is truth....
I decided to reserach it on google.
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depression ....

This Sunday NYT crossword puzzle had a clue - Not here nor there. I couldn't find the word, but I felt unmasked.



Spring is here with buds and flowers and smells. Perfect sunny days. And you get no boost.



not in this life

By now there are things I know I will never get to do. Will never get to bed a duchess, not even a marquise



lifetime ++ membership

My mother in law died six years ago. In the last year of her life she belonged to a neighborhood club for old people. Every year they still send her a best wishes card for her birthday. I don't have the heart to send it back.
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Left hand

Your left hand should not rest idly on the bed taught Ovid. They exiled him. He was asking too much.

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Saul Bellow

I spent six weeks reading "Mr Sammler's Planet". At that time my English vocabulary was around 1,500 words. I liked it probably just because I succeeded to understand some sentences. As this blog testifies I should have had a more modest start. Say Oscar Wilde.
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ice cream

Spring is here and the question is -How far will I walk to get a good ice cream? Since one can have a Dove ice cream by walking only one block...or Ben & Jerry . How far do I need to walk to feel even more guilty?

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on watch

The postings are not about my daily life. If they were they would probably more interesting or even exciting(1-ha!). But I don't have the courage to confront in public my daily problems. In fact I write only about things that do not matter much. On the same level as solving crosswords. And never getting to solve the entire puzzle.
(1)- Conceited! Am I trying the excuse -what I am writing may be boring, but you should see what I do or make?- Obviously writing a blog is a form of self exposing and who would expose himself without looking for approval or admiration.
