
Babel's tower or the bubble

Something that gets bigger and bigger up to the moment it bursts. Market bubble.

It might be that with the death of manufacturing and with cheap available [borrowed] money the American economy can live only out of bubbles.
What will be the next bubble? The innovators can invent only new bubbles.
How is this compatible with the immediate availability of information? Are people getting exciting over [bubbling over?] nothing, or knowingly trying to exploit schemes bordering on irrationality just to make a fast buck. Hoping they will not be caught the last ones holding the Joker.
At the same time there is another meaning germane to market bubble. Living in a bubble -like not aware of what the reality is. Like in Bush lives in a bubble- isolated [by a rubble wall?]
Etymology - Babel's tower was something raising higher and higher till Euler rules of stability took it down..