

In the elevator people talk about my dog. Some use he, some use she? There is no clear rule, like "women use she or her more often". Something in the speaker's background? They had a he or she dog? They think at he or she at that moment ?


luz. Does it mean light in some language?

Last week my wife asked how my mother did get her nickname. I had never asked assuming it was a childhood thing. My mother, who is staring to forget things probably forgot her usual modesty:
The boy who took me out on my first date. First time someone looked at me and saw something beautiful, special?
How old were you?
Eighteen. He was twenty eight. He looked at me and said you look like a luz.
But, ma, how can it be? Oma also called you by this name. At eighteen she started to give you a nickname?
Yes, she liked the name also.
But how could it be? How did she know about it?
She was there with me on the date.



I should be more impressed. The pictures /clips do not seem so devastating, but the number of dead is tremenduos. So Mr. Watchman are you awake at the lighthouse?
And most of these people with houses destroyed will not get back on their feet. And deadly sicknesses will kill many more...IS the lighthouse tall enough to see tsunamis or tidal waves...


working hard

today on tv: Julius Rosenberg was working so hard at spying that the kgb was worried for his health



Strange a surrealist popular in Famous Quotes


I pulled out of thick dust a slim volume of poetry by Rene Char [the poetry lives in perpetual insomnia] and the book opened to reveal a yellowing letter. I thought oh miracle poetry helps me retrieve old love notes...But it was from a friend too afraid to sign his name [like kgb would not guess]. He was discussing my telling him " the world belongs to the daring" like I used to be so bright to make such things up. But I never had such thoughts and this is an old latin adage that never guided me...Who the hell is [was] this friend too afraid to sign a letter when misquoting me..


interrupted Posted by Hello

the only two things i learned in cambridge

1-Supreme refinment -listen to Texaco Saturdays at the opera broadcast while solving Sunday's crossword puzzle.
2-No matter what the subject, there is always a book to inform you about it.

In this pre google atmosphere, the Chief Knowledge Officer was dreamt. No, not by me. I still cannot completely solve the Sunday's puzzle....

eske smell

is it you? hot hot hot


playing quartet

was I your with you at that time?


A posthumous piece in the New Yorker. Starts describing how in the late forties as a child he was playing Cities Quartet. With Sebald you never know when it is an invention... but for me after forty or so years Dichter Quartet popped up as the forgotten game defining my childhood-not soccer, not backgammon, not even chess. We were cutting cardboards and picking writers and listing four pieces in different orders...Where are the players? Who will ever remember? Not even I. Only Sebald who died a year ago...



There is a nice line in the good Before Sunset movie about Einstein and magic. How does it run? A misquote of course
Seems to me that for once Jon Stewart got it wrong when he made fun of Ashcroft knocking on wood. There are statistics and then there are extreme events. No matter how much science you put behind things...you need luck.


Meeting people

It's good to take you out. It is my own occasion to meet people.
Today this woman tells me: "My dog wants only to play. He would not concentrate on anything else"



Rainy season...

I should pretend I fall asleep with Marc Aurelius and go to toilet with Descartes. In truth my only meditation time is when I take my dog for a walk. [ out to smell other dogs and shit.] But the rain has started and the dog doesn't want to walk...I am diminished...


Ukraine : Chicken Kiev served with a mushroom of demo

Safire, the master of correct word usage is confusing democracy with people power? From Caesar to Mussolini...From Potemkin Village to Battleship Potemkin...



The purpose of my blogging is to be amusing, but trying too hard makes it appear sad. Already..
[Never say anything bad about yourself, there is a whole world wide web ready to do this]

A pattern

The poor is happy when he finds his own money..The loney is happy when he hears his own echo The idiot is happy when he gets the meaning of his own words...
Myself I am happy when I remember my screen name. [and password]