

The punch line

Had written that to investigate Qaddafi's death one needs Cherecher la femme. Never underestimate a joke. The Libyan problem  is multiple marriages. The colonel had a harem masquerading as a guard unit, but the rest of the country was not allowed to enjoy? more than one wife. These desert men believe that there is nothing better to keep a wife in check than a second wife.
The punch line is the stick Qaddafi received  up his ass...Tradition...


Elementary my dear Watsnow, elementary

Snow before Halloween. The weight of snow on the tree canopy, breaks branches. Elementary. Nobody taught me this in my twenty years of schooling.  Only now I realize why tree shed their leaves before winter.  So what about global warming?  This is the exception that proverbs the rule.


Sailing lesson from Edgar Allan Poe

When I was a kid I read thee or four times The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket. What happened with this story? Haven't seen it mentioned once in the last thirty years. If I remember well, Jules Verne has written a sequel. This story taught me never to go sailing without a knife.

Qaddafi investigation

The beheading of Louis XVI totally scared the Eurpean monarchs. And the revolution was followed by the restoration. How is Putin reading this?

Progressive Playboy

Playboy chairman (former, Christie Hefner,a woman) was hailing today the nomination of a woman to be CEO of IBM. Obviously standing on the shoulders of giants...



Preparing for the camera,
Wall street interview,


Too many,,  Neither Hell nor Heaven is prepared for such crowds. Bet on limbo where all the unwanted,,,


Progressive passive anarchy

Wall Street has been occupied for a month
Wall Street was being occupied for a month.

Come on, it is just a park. Zucharine.

Five questions on Gadafi's killing.

How do you spell his name? Al Qathafi, Gadafi, Gaddafi, Gadhafi, Kadhafi?
What was his position? Tribal leader, president of Libya, chief of state, rebel?
Why are there so many pictures of his death? Were they fighting or strolling to fora sneak peek? Snake peek?
Why are rain drain pipes so large in Libya? Is this not a Saharan area?
Qui prodest?

Bonus question (in french of course): Cherchez la femme. Condi? Hillary? Bulgarian nurse?

11/29 answers.
 He was a colonel. Saw him in all these uniforms and forgot. 
As to femmes. There were too many. Virgins in medium heel shoes..



This being about occupation, the Muslims are asking for their due place and the Jews are decrying antisemitism. The entire thing being a NYC City exercise in exhibitionism, it is evidently controlled by Jews, as one would expect...they always cry at a Wall

Liberty (name change)

When did it happen? This Liberty Plaza, where I spent so much time following 9/11 is going now by Zucotti. (which rhymes with manicotti) Park. The settlement now provides for an entertaining visit. On a first trip to a local fair everything seems genuine. Probably at the second visit...the fake, the commercialized...Tents and peddlers, tourists, signs and  one flag, a young lady trying to quietly read a hard cover book. Happy anarchy and food stands.Bored policemen. Cameras and tourists. Failed politicians, would be politicians, extremist politicians, actual politicians (whatever that means). CircUSA.  Yes, a country fair.  A petting zoo minus the farm animals.....


Zucotti's Sam's Falafel

Visiting the occupied wall street, decided to profit and have a falafel at Sam's. I always get one when I am on Liberty St. The end of the line was imprecise. Asked politely a young guy  "Are you on line?".  Turned  angrily at me.  Like what? Was I questioning his right to be there? Was he a wall streeter? or an occupier?  Not sure.


no taker for Nabucco

Offered around a free ticket for Nabuco. No taker. Was it me? Verdi? Nebuchadnezzar?
 Or maybe it was a day of the Qaddafi cadaver and saturation with middle east intrigues....


Sailing Lore

A naked woman on board will calm the sea. Yeah, and one on TV will sell the product.


none, none, none

and 99 cents, Original.  Oh no, no, no... if life was as simple as in Sim City....Imagine! Start New Game is always an option.


He will see you now

Don't read books anymore. Just magazines. All around my apartment - magazines. Life's waiting room...


bogey or bogeyman

Is it a rabbit hole or  Plato's cave? for who sees the real problem? It doesn't seem that Krugman's policies worked either.  In any case he should have said Fox's hole.  Sad, but talking golf when....


Ascending to Cloud 9

All these nines for ninnies.... from Mr. Cain's 9.9.9 to Wall Street's We are the 99 percent   indicate the aspiration for equality. Becoming part of the 1%.  Sharing into the top.
Nine rhymes with mine.


tools of the Enlightenment

Education might seem to work for a while, but only rarely will it completely defeat personality. Similarly democracy might only marginally change a society's historical character.  In this example democracy means not being sent to Siberia.

Should have learned never to mix personality and character. Especially since each one has different meanings in the different languages I speak.


tea partysans in Slovakia

Slovakia? Slovenia?Slavonia? Where's this? In Euro some place...

Workers United.

The markets did.  And the workers multiplied around the world. And low wages are the common denominator of the united market. Guaranteed  low for years....



Ignoranti quem portum petat nullus suus ventus est
Read Seneca in Latin. In English you might understand and ...

Columbus Parade

Bandiera rosa, Bandier rosa
Or old lady in red

European praise

And prizes. To those intellectuals who know nothing.  Or just statistics. Know just to measure and comment. Like Krugman commenting on Wall Street paper writers.
If use of advanced statistics and maths is the criteria, an award should go to Wall Street. It created extraordinarily fast and efficient tools. And gave them to people who knew just enough to take us to the edge. Or even past...


Sorry Spalding Gray

You had impressed me but we had a tough exchange following a Rumstick Road performance. I thought you were re-staging a scene from your past. Did not realize it was something you were still living with.
Strange, the night before I read this Times article was thinking what note would I leave had I committed suicide.
Settled on -Don't need your life.


icon at a premium

I've used personal computers since they were called mini but never an Apple. Cheap guy, never owned an i pad or i phone or anything i. Jobs was an extraordinary designer and marketer of too expensive stuff.


Tea Parties at Zucotti's

There are more commentators  than protesters. Fellow travelers to Wall Street, weaving reasons from the demo's  incoherence, they  pump it up. Interested to see a protest that might justify their own theoretical constructs.
No different than Tea Party justifying others'.  

Stimulus money..

Lots of money spent. Yankees lost. As Mr. Cain said - Surrounded by intellectuals who know nothing...
 I argue -tax the millionaires.


unemployed cameras

Union  leaders read my post. Saw an opening in front of the cameras and jumped in


The circus must go on.

A normal republican? providing clear analysis of FoxNews. The show must go on. But make sure it is a circus act.

red herrings

How do I feel about the wall street protest? Not sure. So went to check it out. Lots of onlookers.Cameras. Mikes. No demonstrator. An empty space in a maze of barricades. Out to lunch.


One hand for you, one hand for the boat

An ancient principle of safe sailing....  Helping both the community and oneself is a good thing but navigating political waters? split between the community and oneself ,,,,,doing nothing for the community because it affects you...
Against congress but for one's congressman. 
Against taxes but for one's tax breaks. 
Against political correctness, but not when it protects your group.
Against government handouts, but for one's entitlements



The engine of the economy. Dragging it in reverse.

play dead

Like bears in winter we survive on memories. Sometimes we wake up crazy...


Top supplement

The problem? EPA regulation? Taxation? Foreign wars? Wall Street? China?
The NYT has a large supplemement, pages and pages of Top Lawyers. Imagine how many  did not make it to the top. Volumes...  Side path to some top? - Law is the dominantly declared profession of  Senators .
This is why we have the best Lawconomy in the world.